Gagan (colours)
Resource sheet
Please download the resource sheet which list our materials as well as those made by others; some activities; and some cultural background/information: Colours-unit_29-MAR-22.pdf
We have colour-by-number sheets from designs by Gamilaraay artist Sharon (Dawnie) Wortley:
gugurrgaagaa (kookaburra) gugurrgaagaa.pdf
garrangay (duck) garrangay.pdf
warrul (bee-Gamilaraay): warrul_GR.pdf
warrangana (bee-Yuwaalaraay/Yuwaalayaay): warangana-YR-YY.pdf
1. Gagan

Download a pdf file of the colour/colours poster here: gagan-colour.pdf
2. Minyaarr gagan nginu gandjarra?
minyaarr - whichgagan - colour
nginu - you (one person)
gandjarra - best
Download a pdf file of "What is your favourite colour?" here: What-is-your-favourite-colour.pdf

TikTok of Frog (Gindjurra) Hogbin:
3. 10 colours
Download a set of 10 A4 posters with artwork by Sharon (Dawnie) Wortley, with cultural and linguistic background information where appropriate (red and black are shown): Colours-posters_20APRIL21.pdf

1. A list of simple activities for home or classroom, with cards to cut out: Colours-matching_29APR20.pdf
2. A set of cards matching colours and words: Matching-cards_colours_27-AUG-23.pdf
3. A template for collage or painting colours of a butterfly: Collage_balabalaa_23-AUG-23.pdf
4. A colour hunt sheet: Colour-hunt_25-AUG-23.pdf
5. A rainbow colouring in sheet: Colouring-in_yuluwirri_27-AUG-23.pdf

A book written by Suellyn Tighe in 2012 is available for purchase from Five Senses
A pdf of the book can be downloaded from: